Shridharan RV, Kalakuntla N, Chirmule N and Tiwari B*. (2022) The Happy Hopping of Transposons: The Origins of V(D)J Recombination in Adaptive Immunity, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution).
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Tiwari B*., Jones, A. E*., Caillet C., Royer S.K., Das S., and Abrams J.M. (2020) p53 directly represses human LINE1 Transposons, Genes and Development *Equal contribution
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Covered in UTSW News Press Featured in Science 20 Nov 2020 370 Issue 6519
Kurtz, P., Jones A.E., Tiwari B., Link N., Wylie A., Tracy C., Krämer H. and Abrams J.M., (2019). Drosophila p53 directs non-apoptotic programs in postmitotic tissue. Mol Biol Cell
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Tiwari B., Jones A.E., Abrams J.M. (2018). Transposons, p53 and Genome Security. Rev. Trends in Genetics
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Featured as cover page in Trends in genetics 2018 Nov issue
Tiwari B., Kurtz P., Jones, A.E., Wylie A., Amatruda J.F., Boggupalli D.P., Gonsalvez G.B. and Abrams J.M. (2017). Retrotransposons Mimic Germ Plasm Determinants to Promote Transgenerational Inheritance. Current Biology
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Highlighted as an editor’s choice in Science 358, 6362 Featured cover article and also reviewed in a dispatch of the same issue.
Tiwari B., Ramakrishnan U.M. and Raghunand T.R. (2015). The Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein pair PE9 (Rv1088) - PE10 (Rv1089) forms heterodimers and induces macrophage apoptosis through TLR4. Cell Microbiol
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Tiwari B., Soory A., Raghunand T.R. (2014). An immunomodulatory role for the Mycobacterium tuberculosis region of difference 1 locus proteins PE35 (Rv3872) and PPE68 (Rv3873). FEBS J.
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Tiwari B.M., Kannan N., Vemu L., Raghunand T.R. (2012). The Mycobacterium tuberculosis PE Proteins Rv0285 and Rv1386 Modulate Innate Immunity and Mediate Bacillary Survival in Macrophages. pLOS One
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